
The word “robot” was first introduced by Czech writer Karel Čapek in his play R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) in 1920. The play was about a factory that produced artificial people, called robots, who eventually overthrow their human creators. Robots are now a common feature in science fiction and are often portrayed as being capable of human-like thought and emotion. However, the reality of robotics is somewhat different.

Robots are generally defined as machines that can be programmed to carry out a specific task. They are often used in manufacturing and other industrial applications where they can be assigned to specific tasks such as welding, packing and assembly. Robots are also used in the medical field, for example in surgery and radiation therapy.

Robots are not limited to industrial and medical applications, however. They are also being used in the home, for tasks such as cleaning and vacuuming. In the future, they may be used for more complex tasks such as caring for the elderly or children.

Robots are not perfect and they can sometimes malfunction. However, they are generally reliable and can be used to carry out tasks that are dangerous or difficult for humans. They are also becoming increasingly affordable, which is likely to lead to wider use of robots in both industrial and domestic applications.

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